Orange peel áde – so you get rid of cellulite in the long term!

Almost 90% of all women know and have it: cellulite. A word that often leaves women with goose bumps. The closer the summer, the shorter and breezier the clothes.

Orange skin is almost impossible to hide, because it appears in places that quickly attract attention. The bad news first: connective tissue weakness can be partly genetic. The good news? You can actively improve them!

Our TOP 5 tips to conquer orange peel skin in the long term and start the summer with tighter skin.

Say goodbye to cellulite for good!

1. purify & strengthen connective tissue!

For all processes in the body to function optimally, a sufficient supply of nutrients is indispensable. Because, to build a healthy and strong connective tissue, you need a healthy body with functioning and reliable cells.

Vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances support our cells in ensuring that all processes in our body function smoothly and thus our connective tissue can work even better to become firmer and tighter.

Even beyond the connective tissue, nutrients support you on your way to the summer figure: Sufficient nutrient intake is not only generally beneficial, but also helps you to get rid of excess pounds. Nutrients not only stop cravings, but also stimulate metabolism and fat burning.

A nutrient deficiency, on the other hand, can even have a negative effect on your path to the dream figure, because it can conjure up cravings and appetites for unhealthy foods.
Indeed, when our body lacks nutrients, it reacts with the command “EAT!”. For example, he means vitamin C, zinc and folic acid, but we understand cookie, chips and chocolate – we consume even more calories.

You can read more tips to help you on your way to your personal dream figure here on our blog.

2. collagen boost!

In addition to a nutritional concept that aims to eat the right things regularly to avoid the yo-yo effect and still lose weight (book tip: VABO-N APEX KONZEPT), and sufficient exercise, collagen also plays an important role in the fight against nasty dimples.

From the age of 25, the body’s own collagen production begins to decline, causing the skin and connective tissue to lose stability and firmness. Therefore, it can help to additionally supply collagen. Not only good empirical values, but also scientific studies prove the positive effect of collagen against cellulite.

Did you know that there are beauty drinks with collagen? For example, we discovered one that contains an extremely high amount of collagen on the market average – 4 grams. Said drink would cost about €600 for 24 daily rations of 18 grams each. Thus, VABO-N APEX is by far the hottest product – even in this market!