Minerals – building blocks of life

The human being renews himself again and again. Every seven years – with the exception of the brain cells – all our cells are literally like changed. Fascinating, isn’t it? Minerals and trace elements make an essential contribution to this regular fresh cell cure. These power substances, which make up just five percent of our bodies, keep all life going. They ensure strong bones, strong muscles, healthy teeth, a smooth metabolism and much more. Small cause, big effect, so!


…for example, is such a vital mineral: Many people know that it is important for the electrolyte balance. Like calcium, it also plays a role in the formation of bones, teeth and tendons, is important for muscle function and is also essential for cell division! In addition, this anti-stress mineral activates enzymes for energy production, contributes to good protein synthesis and supports our nervous system!


…not only supports beautiful skin, hair and nails, pushes the immune system and helps regulate the fatty acid metabolism and acid-base balance. It is also involved in successful reproduction! Why? It regulates its testosterone balance and supports their normal fertility and reproduction.


…protects our cells, helps slow down the aging process and supports fertility. The thyroid gland also receives support from selenium. That it is good for hair and nails, you know anyway.

However, the body cannot produce minerals and trace elements itself – they must be supplied through the diet, so they are essential. That is why fruits and vegetables are so incredibly important. The plant extracts these substances from the soil and makes them usable for us. Thus, trace elements and minerals are many thousands of times smaller than the red blood cell and the body can utilize them much better than if one – casually expressed – would ingest crushed minerals. Only through the conversion process in the plants are these substances optimally usable for us humans. According to the German Nutrition Society, there should be at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, although a long-term study by University College London, in which the dietary behavior of 65,000 people was observed over eight years, suggests that there should be at least seven, preferably ten portions – mainly vegetables. In fact, however, only just under 30% of people even get to the five servings daily! Here comes
comes into play – because you should by no means do without the valuable substances out of pure egoism! It tastes delicious and thus provides the body with pleasure and valuable substances from nature every day.