Did you know that our brains are constantly changing throughout our lives? It grows, synapses form through learning processes and movement, and the structure of the brain also changes.
On a mission to help us understand our environment and enable us to perform daily activities, it works non-stop – 24/7.

But how does our thinking apparatus actually work?

How our brain ticks

The brain is made up of interconnected cells that work together to help you perceive the environment with your senses, move and communicate, learn and think, feel emotions, and make decisions.

Small, but mighty – that sums up the brain exactly, because in an unbelievably large network of over 100 billion nerve cells, which are connected to each other via 100 trillion contact points – so-called synapses – the human brain processes all the information it receives from us in everyday life, and that with a volume of only 1,350 cubic centimeters, i.e. the size of a large mango!

At synapses, electrical impulses from a transmitting nerve cell lead to the release of chemical messengers, which are received by downstream nerve cells and converted back into electrical signals. The communication of all nerve cells is based on this principle of chemical signal transmission, which is responsible for the control of all bodily functions in the form of networks.

Even now, as you read this blog article, the networked cells in your brain are working at full speed, exchanging information so you can see, read, and understand the text. All this information is then linked to existing knowledge and stored so that everything can be retrieved later.

In order for you to best support all of these incredible processes and brain health, it’s important to provide it with the optimal environment for all of its tasks.

We have summarized the most important points on how you can do something good for your brain!

The best support for your brain – our top 5

While there is some genetic risk for problems with brain function, there are a great many factors you can influence yourself!

The most important thing here – to use your brain! Exercise, socializing, learning new things, facing challenges, and eating right are all things that make it harder for the brain to get lazy and stay fit instead 😉.

1. Regular exercise, such as walking, is an important factor in maintaining brain health. This increases blood pumping throughout the body, including to the brain, which means extra oxygen and extra nutrients. The consequence? Neurons and new connections can be better formed again. According to studies, exercise 3x a week can even reduce the risk of dementia by a whopping 38% over a six-year period!

2 Another factor is social contacts . They act as a kind of growth promoter for the brain, stimulating new brain cells and strengthening existing connections. Moreover, through sociability, new cells can be created in regions of memory formation! Individual studies say that club membership, meeting friends, or volunteering for social work reduce the risk of developing dementia by 38% in people age 65 and older.

3. learning new things works like a spiritual fountain of youth! Overcoming mental obstacles, such as increasing the difficulty of a crossword puzzle, can already help keep the brain mentally fit longer. The important thing is that it should be fun! Otherwise it can lead to stress, which has a negative effect on brain health.
Studies on this topic show that solving a crossword puzzle has at least a positive effect on brain health. 2x a week, playing cards regularly or going to the cinema or theater can reduce the risk of dementia by 50%.

4. facing challenges, entering new territory, additionally strengthen the connections in the brain.

5. proper nutrition is also a crucial factor in brain health! 2-3 liters of water per day, carbohydrates in the form of cereals, legumes and potatoes for stress prevention, fruits for performance and enough iron, for example through green vegetables or red meat, for oxygen supply support the brain in its work!

Particularly important – omega-3 fatty acids, especially the two fatty acids EPA and DHA, which keep mental performance on the go.

Omega-3 – for a strong brain

30% of the structural fats in the brain are made up of DHA, making omega-3 a central building block of the brain’s structure and therefore functionality.

Some studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids in dementia may increase cognitive flexibility in elderly patients, that is, the ability to consciously switch between different tasks or activities.
In addition, individuals who consume omega-3 are thought to have more developed anterior cingulate cortex, brain material important for cognitive flexibility.
Professor Dr. Aron Barbey of the University of Illinois and leader of one of these studies says: “Our findings show that higher consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is associated with greater anterior cingulate cortex volume. Finally, we showed that higher anterior cingulate cortex volume appears to be an intermediate between omega-3 fatty acid consumption and cognitive flexibility.”

If, on the other hand, too few omega-3 fatty acids are consumed, the flexibility and permeability of the brain membrane cells is reduced and the speed of communication between the brain cells decreases – in short – concentration difficulties and memory lapses can occur.

As Prof. Dr. Clemens von Schacky said so well: “Once you have reached the second half of 80, you realize that you are either dead, demented or have your omega-3 level in the green zone.
To reach the green zone, the WHO recommends a minimum daily intake of 250 mg DHA and EPA – that would be about 75 g of wild-caught salmon or 900 g of wild-caught cod per day! But let’s be honest: Who can do that?

To ensure an adequate supply of omega-3, omega-3 supplements can therefore be used.
VABO-N OH!MEGA is the solution – combining 600 mg omega-3, including 362 mg DHA and 148 EPA, in just one tasty jelly – for intact brain function well into old age!


Note on product advertising text in accordance with the European Health Claims Regulation:

A daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA + DHA contributes to normal heart function. A daily intake of at least 250 mg of DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and normal vision.