Our genes: “Everyone writes the story themselves.”

Even if our genes play a certain role in life expectancy, researchers agree on one thing: All future achievements in medicine can only lead to the goal if each individual makes a significant contribution. Univ. Prof. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger, Director of the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Vienna and author of the bestseller “Endlich unendlich” (Infinite at Last) knows: “In aging in particular, people cannot be reduced to their genes – the decisive factor is the interaction between genetics and the environment. Genes are just pencil and paper – everyone writes the story themselves.” In his best-selling book on the subject of anti-aging, Hengstschläger lists important steps with which we can decide the pace of our aging process ourselves:


Studies on different organisms have shown that calorie reduction increases life expectancy by up to 50%. Even if no studies are yet available on the direct impact on human life expectancy: We already know the consequences of excess calorie intake and obesity, and the importance of high-quality calories in particular, and for this reason alone we should pay attention. In addition, experts recommend leaving longer intervals between meals and doing without the snacks in between. During these breaks, the metabolism comes to rest and the insulin level can drop again. This is important because the constant insulin high drives cravings. Our body gives us a good signal here, namely hunger! This means: do not eat too often, but at the latest when you are hungry!


Even the healthiest metabolism produces so-called free radicals. These are unstable molecules that are missing an electron. To compensate for this, they relentlessly snatch electrons from our cells. As a result, the cell itself becomes a free radical and snatches an electron from another cell – a chain reaction ensues. Stress, intensive sports, environmental influences, smoking, alcohol – all this additionally promotes it.
Free radicals damage cells, proteins, lipids and even DNA itself. Gradually, they cause damage that leads to functional and structural changes. This forms the basis for many diseases and results in faster aging. All the more important is a sufficient intake of different antioxidants. These give up electrons to the free radicals more easily than cells – thus our cells are spared. For example, they are found primarily in vitamins C, B2 & E, as well as in resveratrol and the mineral selenium, and in secondary plant compounds. All this and much more can be found in abundance in a daily ration of VABO-N ESSENTIALS.


Exercise, especially moderate exercise, is a proven remedy for a number of conditions. For example, it counteracts depressive moods and osteoporosis, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, promotes blood circulation in the body as well as lung and muscle function, and supports our immune system. A high level of mental activity can also counteract dementia in old age. It is assumed that the protective mental activity has something to do with the so-called plasticity of the brain. That is, with its ability to keep forming new connections between neurons.


Most people know that there are early risers and late risers – but probably few know that our genes are responsible for this. Studies have shown that in some people a so-called cycle of gene activity lasts 25 hours, while in others it is completed after just 23 hours. The latter, i.e. the early risers, are tired earlier in the evening but awake bright and early in the morning. In any case, the culturally regulated 24-hour day can be detrimental to both. For example, both types have their efficiency peak at different times in their professional lives. In addition, most regeneration processes take place during the body’s resting phase, i.e. during sleep. At night, the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for repair processes, and the growth hormone HGH work at full speed. So in order for the cells to regenerate optimally, you should observe your personal sleep cycle and keep to it as much as possible.